You’re Welcome America | Digital Series

Project Description

“You’re Welcome, America!” is a digital series that features quick, punchy, and unpolished lessons about Black folks and Natives. Hosted by Kiowa-Apache badass stand-up comedian Adrianne Chalepah and comedic powerhouse Joyelle Nicole Johnson, “You’re Welcome, America!” clarifies some of the gravest misunderstandings about Native and Black people in America today, highlights mutual community struggles, and has a joyful-ass time. Despite the hate, ignorance and general state of the world, we love ourselves and it’s good to be alive! Want to dig into cultural appropriation, health care, intergenerational trauma, and religious hypocrisy — but in a fun kinda way? Check, check, and check. “You’re Welcome, America!” is co-produced by IllumiNative and The Center for Media & Social Impact Comedy ThinkTanks.

Project Details

Position: Producer